Start Your Industry 4.0~
Manufacturers today are seeking efficiencies in production, and the way to transform their business through Industry 4.0. To realize Industry 4.0 does not have to necessitate a major infrastructure overhaul that costs a lot of money. Npoint’s solution can connect and extract data even from unconnected legacy systems and visualize the data for intelligent management and data-driven digital transformation!
Data Acquisition

Data analysis and Visualization
Central Management
Improve Productivity
-Unlock hidden production capacity
-Increase machine availability
-Maximize production output
-Improve production value per employee
Reduce Loss
-Minimize unplanned downtime
-Reduce product defects
-Eliminate process bottlenecks
-Prevent unscheduled maintenance activities and costs
Increase Profit
-Improve asset utilization
-Shorten production lead time
-Optimize product quality

Certificate of registration as a Technological Service Organization by IDB
Data Implementation and Platform Service